Doing What You Love

I’m not talking about the old saying ” If you do what you love you’ll never work a day in your life.”

I’m talking about doing what you love… having a natural passion for whatever it is that can create a well-rounded LIFE that you love.

Doing what you love is the most self-rewarding thing that exist. Doing what you love can be as simple as reading a book or taking a brisk walk. Doing what you love can be a stress reliever. It can upgrade your mood and possibly draw in new friends. New friends who also enjoy the same things as you. Doing what you love may also be good for your health and improve your quality of life. Afterall, health is wealth.

Not Enough Time In The Day

They say time flies when you’re having fun…who the hell told the truth on this one? No lies detected. It’s faster rather you’re having fun or not! It seems like the older I’ve gotten the faster time has sped up..Lol..Not sure if it’s because I’m always busy more times than none. Or if it’s working on making me grow old faster..Lol…Hell, I think it’s a bit of both! But either way, time flies! And most times, I’m not having fun! More like work work and more work! Then after work, I work on my personal work…lol..

Then repeat the shit over and over again until I break the cycle to enjoy the weekend or a week of vaycay. And I swear time goes faster than a hooker running up to a Johns car at the stroke of midnight, on the weekends and while you’re on vaycay! Boom! Just like that, the weekend is over and your vaycay will already become a distant memory. Time management needs time…like what the hell. Who else feels this way about time?

Photo by Andrey Grushnikov on

Enjoying The Simple Things

Often times we never have the time to enjoy the simple things because we’re so busy enjoying life as a whole. Taking trips, going out to eat with family and friends, attending sports events of all kinds, looking forward to anniversary parties, birthday parties, girls night out…etc….Being able to get a nice hair cut because you know you need it or to get that fill done on your acrylic nails because they are due for a fresh new look with new shiny polish. Then bam!! All of a sudden everything around you has become limited or ceased. Your visits to family and friends, can’t attend a funeral for a family member or friends or be there for them while they may be sick or in the hospital. No parties, gatherings of any kind, sports events, no hair cut or nails being done. Can’t hang out at the bar with your friends. All of the above sucks. But in the mix of all of the settled chaos, most of us have been enjoying family time more, playing board games and watching movies. Picking up new hobbies or picking back up some around the house hobbies that we pushed to the side from being so busy. Cleaning out the garage that you planned to do so many times before but just couldn’t find the time. You can find some pretty cool stuff out of your garage that you forgot you had. Gardening with your kids, baking with the family, fixing on that old school car with your kid that neither of you had time to do before. Creating fun activities for your little ones. I can go on with so many different scenarios. This downtime has made a lot of people become creative. Aware that they haven’t been as family oriented as they should have been. Sometimes we never enjoy the simple things until we are forced and then we realize that doing the simple things are just as rewarding as taking that trip to the Bahamas. Although I would lovvveee a trip to the Bahamas right about now….Damn….lol…But this epidemic has caused most of us to stop and smell the roses for a change. Enjoy the simple things.

Monitor your progress


Monitoring your progress is always good to help you stay on track with your growth. I love to see where I started and how far I’ve come. Often times we get so overwhelmed with wanting to grow more til’  we fail to realize our progress. It may be a nominal amount of progress, but progress is progress…track it. It can possibly help you foresee your future results.

Why not you?


It’s hard to imagine yourself making it to the top when you’re just starting off.  You may think that your hard work won’t be recognized when your journey begins…in due time trust me it will. Keeping the course will open up the pathway to succeed. If you’re working towards a victory, please don’t give up. Even most of the greats were once where you are and they now are reaping the benefits of their hard work. Nothing comes easy, doing absolutely nothing does…….be a doer, not a thinker.


Keep at it…

We often times beat ourselves up because things don’t fall into place when we think it should. Nobody wants to work for shit these days. Well news flash, if you don’t work your ass off to get it, you’re better off working for the next person to help them grow their business. It makes you appreciate and take pride in what you’ve accomplished after the blood, sweat and tears. The failures, and the naysayers should be your motivation. Don’t beat yourself up when the pieces fall apart and you find yourself scrapping what you’ve started, all to just start over again. Work hard, be motivated and kick ass..Yea, I know it’s easier said than done. But do more and say less and allow your hard work to speak for itself.

You Talking To Me?

you talkin


There’s always somebody trying to tell you how to run your business, when them, themselves don’t even have a business nor knows nothing of running one or starting one. I have to sit back and think to myself sometimes and wonder how come they can dish out advise on something that’s never peeked their interest. Those are the people I just would like to slap right in the kisser, no…They have all of this so called knowledge, but yet and still, they never try to invest the know it all into a potential business of their own.  The reason being is because they don’t have the mindset to pour energy into something they have to bust their asses to get.

Now what I love is to listen or take positive advise from the people who have walked the walk and talked the talk. I can gain insights on making bigger moves and potentially gaining some knowledge I need to improve my business. Now those are the kind of people I can just kiss in the kidding. But on all seriousness, be around like minded people. But you know, don’t get me wrong, sometimes a person who knows nothing about nothing can conjure up some great ideas for your business…it’s just a waste that they don’t self indulge on the knowledge.

After you write…what now?

what nowAfter you write your award winning novel…what next? You can’t wait for the world to read it. The world will only consist of your family and friends for hey, support usually comes from family and friends first and then it SUPPOSED to make it to the people who know nothing of you or the novel it took you many days and nights to complete. Nowadays, it’s so hard to get your book(s) published with a well known publisher. You’d think they’d loosen up the guidelines and give a new author a chance to shine bright like a diamond, or maybe a rusty nail in so many feels like you’ve stepped on a rusty nail after so many painful rejections from so many publishers that you’ve nervously submitted your novel to.

But now what? You’ve been refused by even some of the best publisher in the game. You self publish, that’s what you do. You promote yourself like you’ve been paid to promote yourself. Treat your novel like a novel that you were paid to get the world to notice. Market yourself in any and every way possible. There are so many free opportunities to self promote. The tools are at your finger tips literally. So what next? You do the leg work. Work your ass off to get notice by readers, build your audience. Hell, you may luck up and have a well known publishing company come seek you out. Hey, it has happened!

But in the meantime, never give up your passion for writing. And NEVER give up on yourself when it seems as if the world have passed you buy. Remember, Apple started in a garage.:)

What now?



You make the time

Often times I don’t practice what I preach. I know I’m not alone when it comes to this cliché. I try to touch on every project that I’m involved in, but more times then less, here lately I have not been writing on my blog. Shame on me right? How can you grow your audience when you’re not giving them anything to help you grow? Well, I have been making time for everything but this. But starting today, I vow to be a better blogger (I’m really not a…lets just say, I’m gonna

I have “Sexrinder” that is way overdue for release. I plan to wrap it up soon! If you’re not familiar with my newest novella “Sexrinder”, go ck out some of older posts for some good ole snippets! I will load newer snippets as the release date grows closer. I also have another book coming for the ladies…”Girls Know Your Worth” well of course it’s a relationship book:). None like you’ve ever read before, trust me. Funny, full of great dating and relationship advise and entertaining!